When I worked for a Japanese automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM), they had a saying, which may or may not be a national cliché: “Free is oft the most expensive price.”

Huh? Let me translate. What they’re saying is something slightly beyond the American cliché: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” You must spend some money wisely to save money in the long run.

To illustrate that slightly further, let’s look at the movie Moneyball: the story of a financial underdog—the Oakland A’s—keeping pace with the big boys by reevaluating the value of statistics and applying their money efficiently.

I know what you’re thinking: What does that have to do with user experience?


Rethinking the process based on goal-outcome-oriented data can help the A’s of the world beat the Yankees and win the UX World Series.

Read more at UXMag.com.