The chip shortage is far from over, but here at Altia, we see a light at the end of the tunnel. The good news: there are GUI software solutions to overcome the chip shortage, no matter how perilous things may seem.  

How did we get here? 

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, people were stuck at home, not able to spend money on entertainment: going to the movies, attending festivals, playing in group sports and so much more. So, what did we do? We ordered video gaming consoles to keep ourselves entertained. We purchased tablets for our kids’ homework and online school. We added computer monitors to our home offices to make our virtual work more productive. All of these digital technologies required semiconductor chips.  

Additionally, soon after OEMs canceled orders for parts with computer chips, the car dealerships started offering mega deals and 0% interest on vehicles—driving up demand for new cars. With vacations and travel on hold, people wisely took advantage of these deals to upgrade their cars, trucks and SUVs.  All the while, production on new vehicles was stalled to safeguard against the impact of a potential recession.

Altia Co-founder and CEO, Mike Juran, shared “We weren’t at capacity for silicon even before the chip shortage. Chip manufacturers were working on a ‘just in time’ production model. Consumption will slow down, causing an overshoot on production meant to catch up.”  

While chip manufacturers are talking about building chips here in the U.S., that may be a longer-term solution rather than a quick fix. It takes space, money and manpower to get a chip factory off the ground.  

The Altia solution 

Rather than put all your hope in production, an easy solution would be to shift your GUI hardware. Using Altia’s GUI development solution, we guarantee that you’ll see: lower cost, increased efficiency and performance, all while still meeting safety standards.  

Altia can work on any chip—there is no friction to change hardware, even to a smaller or lower-end processor. You also won’t need to give up any features or functionality. Already mid-cycle in your production? No problem. We can help swap out chips mid-cycle—something that might seem intimidating but is easy to do with an Altia GUI model.  

Solutions for all industries  

We’re not just talking about GUIs for cars either. While the automotive industry is definitely in the spotlight and on the receiving end for a lot of media attention right now, we’re successfully swapping semiconductor mid-cycle on smart home devices and appliances too. We know companies plan these production programs years out, so it can be daunting to have to change mid-cycle, but there are zero problems on our end. 

Lastly, we’re not a new company trying to come up with a quick solution in the midst of a crisis. Altia is a time-tested and production-proven GUI solution that will get your production schedule back on track. So while the chip shortage will balance out eventually, Altia can get back into production right now. 

Struggling with the chip shortage or contemplating a hardware shift for your embedded GUI device? Contact us today to discuss solutions unique to your project.