
在一些餐馆,不耐烦地等待服务员接您的订单或带上您的账单的日子已经结束了。 触摸屏服务的引入对客户和正在转向高科技服务的餐厅都有一系列好处。 这些图形用户界面有多种样式和尺寸,旨在增强用餐体验。餐厅用餐者会发现触摸屏服务令人垂涎三尺吗


企业可以选择为他们的用餐者提供各种尺寸的触摸屏 GUI,从本质上是整个触摸屏桌面的全尺寸电子餐桌模型,到更小的移动屏幕和酒吧顶部或桌边小屏幕。

电子餐桌为顾客提供引人入胜的用餐体验,让他们可以在闲暇时浏览菜单并下订单。 此外,一些型号配备“厨师摄像头”,让用餐者可以观看厨房准备饭菜。 有些提供互联网连接,使用户能够浏览网络、查看电子邮件或更新他们的社交媒体帐户。 联网模式允许用餐者将电子贺卡发送到其他餐桌,以及分享照片。 对于一个额外的新奇因素,食客可以选择自己的虚拟桌布。

Other features include the ability to order a taxi home and discover nearby attractions or points of interest. Touchscreen service enables a more private dining experience, without conversation being interrupted for ordering meals or beverages. Customers also get faster service and enjoy the feeling of control.


Businesses experience an extensive range of benefits from installing touchscreen service in their establishments. Because of the faster service, businesses can increase the number of guests they serve during a service, as tables order and settle their bills faster, without having to wait for a server.

The ingenuity factor draws in high numbers of new customers and, if the food impresses as well as the novelty of a touchscreen graphical user interface at the table, those new customers will quickly become repeat customers, and they’ll help with word-of-mouth marketing by telling their friends and family.

Because ordering is so simple, customers tend to order more, particularly as they can order additional items throughout their visit. With a vibrant touchscreen GUI, businesses can add detailed, enticing descriptions to the menu, as well as high quality images to whet diners’ appetites.

With guests placing their orders and requesting their bills themselves, businesses can increase their profits further by reducing the number of servers required for each service. The simplicity of the system also pleases servers, which helps to improve their productivity. With so much freedom, establishments can also sell or lease advertising space to other local businesses to maximize their revenue.

Coming to a restaurant near you

With such wide-ranging benefits for businesses and consumers, it makes sense to get ahead of the pack by adding touchscreen service to your restaurant. With high quality touchscreen GUIs, such as those created with 阿尔蒂亚’s user interface development tools, and scrumptious food, you have a winning combination.

Reducing overheads, maximizing profits, and getting more customers through the door is the ideal situation for any dining establishment, and the introduction of e-tables or mobile touchscreen graphical user interfaces can help restaurateurs achieve those goals