可穿戴技术会成为新的必备配件吗?我们都在某个时候做到了。 你认识的人——朋友、亲戚、同事、任何人——购买了最新最好的东西或其他东西,你绝对必须拥有它。 这可能是一辆车、一台笔记本电脑、一部手机或几十种其他可能性中的一种。 它的成本是多少以及是否真的需要它是经常被忽略的实际问题,因为人们认为需要拥有最新和最好的东西。 同样的心态会适用于可穿戴技术吗? 智能手表和智能眼镜会在主流社会中巩固一席之地,还是主要留在其利基市场?

很少有人记得一枚可以戴上的戒指,只需按一下按钮就可以提供一个人的脉搏,而且这些天你肯定不会看到有人戴上它。 蓝牙耳机一度几乎无处不在。 尽管它们仍在使用中,但它们变得越来越稀有。 这是为什么? 答案比最初看起来要复杂得多,并且取决于几个因素。


营销是第一要素。 技术的发展速度几乎快于营销公司跟不上的速度。 营销是将当前技术置于消费者面前的原因。 今天和明天的技术是获得营销投资的东西,而不是昨天的酷东西。 如果一种科技产品在其营销活动结束时还没有占据一席之地,它很可能会被淘汰,被遗忘或取代。

There is a huge range of wearable technology – from smart watches, to health monitors, to smart glasses and a multitude of other tech gadgets –designed to serve a wealth of different needs and offer a variety of features and functions. So another factor that’s involved in whether some new technology goes mainstream is how useful the item is for the normal person. Using Bluetooth headsets as an example again, they have been mostly replaced by texting, voice recognition and text-to-voice applications. They were useful for a while and still serve a purpose in certain circumstances, but they are no longer the preferred method of interaction for the masses.

Another factor that helps to determine the longevity of any new technology item is convenience. For the foreseeable future, smart phones are here to stay. Tech products that have the capability to seamlessly link to, sync with or expand the abilities of a consumer’s smart phone increase the likelihood that they will stand the test of time.

The Adoption of Wearable Tech

Rackspace commissioned a study of wearable technology entitled, “The Human Cloud: Wearable Technology from Novelty to Productivity“, which showed that a majority of the 4000 participants felt wearable tech had improved their lives in some fashion. Never underestimate the power of how something makes a consumer feel.

As technology improves and evolves, the user interfaces of wearable tech will also improve and evolve. The more natural and convenient something becomes, the more accepted it will be by consumers. Wearable tech, which is of practical use to a substantial number of people, will more likely be adopted by mainstream society as costs decrease, interfaces improve and the user experience is enhanced.

There are numerous factors to consider – marketing, usefulness and convenience. The wearable tech items that address these factors most successfully will be the ones that find their way into the mainstream. Some wearable tech will be more widely adopted than others and some will outright fail and forever remain a footnote known only by techies. There is no way to know which wearable tech product will be a success or will remain popular for only a certain amount of time before being replaced. Technology and society are moving too rapidly for that kind of market prediction.

The world continues to change and people are becoming more technologically oriented, more comfortable and familiar with various technologies, more conscientious and responsible in their physical and mental well-being and more inclined to do things for themselves. The niche that was once the domain of the techies is becoming mainstream as mainstream turns itself into techies. Wearable tech is here and it’s not going away any time soon. Only the form of it will adapt to our needs and wants.